Top "Gridfs" questions

GridFS is a specification for storing large files in MongoDB.

Render Image Stored in Mongo (GridFS) with Node + Jade + Express

I have a small .png file stored in Mongo using GridFS. I would like to display the image in my …

node.js mongodb express pug gridfs
Meteor Js , Store images to mongoDB

I want to store an image browsed by a file input to database. I am browing the image using redactor …

javascript mongodb meteor gridfs meteorite
Store file in Mongo's GridFS with ExpressJS after upload

I have started building a REST api using expressJS. I am new to node so please bear with me. I …

mongodb express gridfs
mongodb connection timeout error with mongoose and nodejs

I desperately need some help.I am trying to upload large file(8 GB) to gridfs using mongoose and nodeJS. But …

javascript node.js mongodb mongoose gridfs
How can I backup a MongoDB GridFS database the easiest way?

Like the title says, I have a MongoDB GridFS database with a whole range of file types (e.g., text, …

mongodb backup gridfs
Do any open-source standalone restful image servers exist?

I'm planning to develop a standalone restful Image Server with the following functionality, but first would like to know if …

image image-processing nginx gridfs
HDFS vs GridFS: When to use which?

HDFS and GridFS are two great technologies for distributed file saving but what are their differences? What type of problems …

mongodb hadoop hdfs gridfs
python PIL image how to save image to a buffer so can be used later?

I have a png file which should be convert to jpg and save to gridfs , I use python's PIL lib …

python io gridfs stringio
MongoDB as static files provider?

It's MongoDB a good candidate to serve static files (files, video) as cdn. I searching a solid way to store …

mongodb amazon-s3 gridfs
Storing very large documents in MongoDB

In short: If you have a large number of documents with varying sizes, where relatively few documents hit the maximum …

mongodb gridfs nosql