Top "Gridfs" questions

GridFS is a specification for storing large files in MongoDB.

Read file with node.js, mongoose, gridfs-stream

I am using mongoose and gridfs-stream to store and read files from mongodb. I am following the example here: https://…

node.js mongodb mongoose gridfs
Storing data stream from POST request in GridFS, express, mongoDB, node.js

I am trying to figure out how I can post an image directly to GridFS without storing it anywhere on …

javascript node.js mongodb gridfs gridfs-stream
MongoDB remove GridFS objects from shell

I have files stored in a MongoDB using GridFS. I need to remove some of those files by ID, from …

javascript shell mongodb gridfs
Using multer with inmemory option and streaming into mongodb gridfs

The following priece of code works as expected: it reads a file that has been uploaded using multer [https://github.…

node.js mongodb gridfs
Meteor: uploading file from client to Mongo collection vs file system vs GridFS

Meteor is great but it lacks native supports for traditional file uploading. There are several options to handle file uploading: …

mongodb file-upload meteor gridfs
Mongodb base64 image vs gridfs

I'm using mongodb and I want to store some thumbnails in my server. What's best? Using GridFS or converting those …

mongodb base64 gridfs
Saving a file in Mongodb's GridFS with pymongo results in a truncated file - python 2.7 on Windows 7

Saving a file in Mongodb's GridFS with pymongo results in a truncated file. from pymongo import MongoClient import gridfs import …

python windows mongodb pymongo gridfs
Query on MongoDB GridFS metadata (Java)

What I'm trying to do is fetching a list of GridFS files by querying an field of the metadata. For …

java mongodb gridfs
Spring Data + MongoDB GridFS access via Repository possible?

I recently discovered GridFS which I'd like to use for file storage with metadata. I just wondered if it's possible …

spring mongodb spring-data gridfs spring-data-mongodb
Should I use GridFS or binary data to store & retrieve images from MongoDB?

I was wondering which is better/faster: Having a separate collection of documents that just contain the image saved as …

mongodb gridfs