Top "Spawn" questions

loading and executing a new child process

Running Node app through Grunt

I am trying to run my Node application as a Grunt task. I need to spawn this as a child …

node.js process gruntjs spawn
Node.js spawning a child process interactively with separate stdout and stderr streams

Consider the following C program (test.c): #include <stdio.h> int main() { printf("string out 1\n"); fprintf(stderr, "…

node.js stdout spawn unbuffered
How to Spawn Child Processes that Don't Die with Parent?

I have a C++ program that acts as a watchdog over others. If it detects that a process is no …

c++ linux fork parent-child spawn
Spawn on Node JS (Windows Server 2012)

When I run this through Node: var spawn = require('child_process').spawn; ls = spawn('ls', ['C:\\Users']); ls.on('error', …

windows node.js windows-server-2012 spawn
How to get the output of a spawned child_process in Node.JS?

First of all, I'm a complete noob and started using Node.JS yesterday (it was also my first time using …

node.js shell output child-process spawn
nodejs/express - stream stdout instantly to the client

I spawned the following child: var spw = spawn('ping', ['-n','10', '']) and I would like to receive …

node.js express spawn child-process
Why changing start method to 'spawn' from 'fork' in Python multiprocessing does not allow me run my job anymore?

I am able to run a background function using multiprocessing.Process with the start method fork. For some reason, I …

python python-3.x multiprocessing python-multiprocessing spawn
Executing an exe with parameters in nodejs

I wanted to execute an exe using node js. This is how the command looks in command prompt of windows: …

node.js exe spawn execfile
Unable to require('child_process').spawn, console says spawn is not a function, Python-Shell node package

I am attempting to use an external package: npm install [python-shell][1] Right now, I have just the basic js file …

node.js child-process spawn
How to read child_process.spawnSync stdout with stdio option 'inherit'

var childProcess = cp.spawnSync(command, args, { cwd: process.cwd(), env: process.env, stdio: 'inherit', encoding: 'utf-8' }); childProcess.output always …

node.js child-process spawn