Top "Unbuffered" questions

This tag indicates data that is not in full temporarily stored in memory, but processed directly after reception.

How to avoid pressing Enter with getchar() for reading a single character only?

In the next code: #include <stdio.h> int main(void) { int c; while ((c=getchar())!= EOF) putchar(c); …

c input character getchar unbuffered
Buffered and unbuffered stream

In case of buffered stream it said in a book that it wait until the buffer is full to write …

c++ stream buffered unbuffered
Node.js spawning a child process interactively with separate stdout and stderr streams

Consider the following C program (test.c): #include <stdio.h> int main() { printf("string out 1\n"); fprintf(stderr, "…

node.js stdout spawn unbuffered
Do unbuffered queries for one request with PDO

i'm looking to do unbuffered queries only on some requests. In mysql I was doing this : $req = mysql_unbuffered_query(…

php mysql pdo request unbuffered
setvbuf not able to make stdin unbuffered

My main intention was to make getchar return as soon as it gets a character instead of waiting for the …

c buffer stdin getchar unbuffered