Top "Space-efficiency" questions

Difference between passing array and array pointer into function in C

What is the difference between the two functions in C? void f1(double a[]) { //... } void f2(double *a) { //... } If I …

c arrays function parameter-passing space-efficiency
Is Quicksort in-place or not?

So the space efficiency of Quicksort is O(log(n)). This is the space required to maintain the call stack. …

algorithm computer-science quicksort in-place space-efficiency
Initiate a float list with zeros in C#

I want to initiate a list of N objects with zeros( 0.0 ) . I thought of doing it like that: var TempList = …

c# list initialization space-efficiency
more efficient way to pickle a string

The pickle module seems to use string escape characters when pickling; this becomes inefficient e.g. on numpy arrays. Consider …

python numpy pickle space-efficiency
C# Array slice without copy

I'd like to pass a sub-set of a C# array to into a method. I don't care if the method …

c# arrays performance slice space-efficiency