Top "Sox" questions

SoX (Sound eXchange) is a computer program for audio manipulation.

How to merge several audio files using sox

I use this command to merge two audio files into one using sox: sox end.mp3 -p pad 6 0 | sox - …

file audio merge sox
Sox : merge two audio files with a pad

I'm using the sox tool and I would like to merge two audio files, let's say long.ogg and short.…

audio merge delay sox pad
sox for converting flac file to 320 bit mp3

I have installed sox with support for both mp3 and flac. The below command also successfully converts flac to mp3 …

sox lame bitrate
pipe sox play command to stdout

So I'm currently trying to stream my microphone input from my raspberry pi (rasbian) to some sort of network stream …

linux audio stream pipe sox
Can I use SoX to generate audio?

For a project I am working on, I need to use the SoX tool for audio generation. If there is …

How to denoise audio with SOX?

Givent a audio.wav recording with silence at both start and end for at least 1second... How to denoise with …

audio-recording sox
Piping SoX in Python - subprocess alternative?

I use SoX in an application. The application uses it to apply various operations on audiofiles, such as trimming. This …

python audio subprocess sox inter-process-communicat
Sox + MP3: libsox-fmt-mp3 not working

My server threw this error Sox::Error (sox FAIL formats: no handler for file extension `mp3' ) This person (https://…

audio mp3 sox
Determining Bit-Depth of a wav file

I am looking for a fast, preferably standard library mechanism to determine the bit-depth of wav file e.g. '16…

python audio sox wave bit-depth
SoX doesn't work with Opus Audio files

I am recording input microphone from a web page with WebRTC and process it through SoX. Problem is, Firefox recordings …

audio type-conversion ogg sox opus