Top "Sox" questions

SoX (Sound eXchange) is a computer program for audio manipulation.

Sox: concatenate multiple audio files without a gap in between

I am concatenating multiple (max 25) audio files using SoX with sox first.mp3 second.mp3 third.mp3 result.mp3 which …

audio concatenation sox
How to convert 16bit wav to raw audio

I'm trying to use sox to convert asterisk voicemails to raw audio. The encoding information of the original wav is …

command-line asterisk sox
How to use sox in windows

I am installing sox in windows, but I get an error entering the following code: sox 001.wav 001.dat in the …

windows command-line sox
How can I remove silence from an MP3 programmatically?

I have MP3 files that sometimes have silence at the end. I would like to remove this silence automatically. From …

ubuntu audio ffmpeg mp3 sox
Mixing audio using SOX , sox FAIL formats: can't open input file `audio_recorded.wav': WAVE: RIFF header not found

I want to mix audio using SOX in linux. This is my script. I'm a total beginner on this thing. …

linux android-mediarecorder sox
Reduce volume of audio file by percentage value using SOX

I would like to reduce the volume of an audio file by 10% (so that the new volume will be 90% of …

How to batch split audio files wherever there is silence?

I am using the following command in SoX to split many large audio files at each place where there is …

audio split sox audacity
sox - how to create mp3 file with bit rate 16kbps

Currently the command used is `sox input.wav -G -t mp3 -r 16k test.mp3` But this is creating a …

audio mp3 sox transcoding libsox
How to batch convert .sph files to .wav with sox

I have a directory with many folders containing hundreds of .SPH files. I need to convert all .SPH files into .…

batch-file batch-processing sox
Get a spectrum of frequencies from WAV/RIFF using linux command line

How to generate file including spectrum of frequencies of wav/riff sound file? I would like to use linux command …

linux audio sox spectrum spectrogram