Top "Solidity" questions

Solidity is a high-level language whose syntax is similar to that of JavaScript and it is designed to compile to code for the Ethereum Virtual Machine.

Converting Object Promise to String in Javascript

I'm working with React, Next.Js, semantic-ui-react and Solidity. It is my goal to print out the users address (from …

javascript reactjs solidity semantic-ui-react next.js
Are there null like thing in solidity

struct buyer{ uint amount; Status status; } mapping(address=>buyer) public buyers; mapping(uint=>address) buyerIndex; uint public buyerNum; //…

ethereum solidity contract
How to find out if an Ethereum address is a contract?

An address in Solidity can be an account or a contract (or other things, such as a transaction). When I …

ethereum solidity smartcontracts
String concatenation in solidity?

how do i concatenate strings in solidity? var str = 'asdf' var b = str + 'sdf' seems not to work.. I looked …

ethereum solidity
String array in solidity

I came across quite a common problem that it seems I can't solve elegantly and efficiently in solidity. I've to …

ethereum solidity eris-blockchain
Solidity ParserError: Expected identifier but got '='

Why does the code below contain an error (ParserError: Expected identifier but got '='). contract Test { struct Box { uint …

constructor ethereum identifier solidity parsing-error
What is address(0) in Solidity

Can anyone explain to me what address(0) is in Solidity? I found the following in the docs but it doesn't …

ethereum solidity ether
How to return mapping list in Solidity? (Ethereum contract)

I want to make simple smart contract that has a list, can set item, and can get the list. Code …

ethereum solidity
Event triggering in solidity

I'm currently working on ethereum platform(node.js and solidity). My question is how do I trigger an event in …

ethereum solidity
Getting the address of a contract deployed by another contract

I am trying to deploy a contract from another factory contract and then return the address of the newly created …

javascript ethereum solidity