Top "Smartcontracts" questions

Smart contracts also known as a smart property are computer protocols that facilitate, verify, or enforce the negotiation or performance of a contract, or that make a contractual clause unnecessary.

How to find out if an Ethereum address is a contract?

An address in Solidity can be an account or a contract (or other things, such as a transaction). When I …

ethereum solidity smartcontracts
Send ERC20 token with web3

I'm currently using 0.2x.x version of Web3 Javascript API. I deployed my custom ERC20 token by creating smart contract …

javascript blockchain smartcontracts web3 erc20
Why am I getting this error ? "Gas estimation errored with the following message (see below). The transaction > execution will likely fail"

Trying to test solidity using Remix IDE. I keep getting the error: Gas estimation errored with the following message (see …

blockchain ethereum smartcontracts remix
how to swap Token for ETH with swapExactTokensForETH() using UniswapV2Router02 Contract

i'm traying to swap some DAI for ETH on the Ropsten Network using the UniswapV2Router02 on Etherscan (Ropsten Test …

ethereum smartcontracts web3js etherscan
How can I return an array of struct in solidity?

I am designing a solution for an ethereum smart contract that does bidding. The use-case includes reserving a name eg. "…

algorithm data-structures ethereum solidity smartcontracts