Solidity ParserError: Expected identifier but got '='

baermathias picture baermathias · Jul 7, 2018 · Viewed 14.5k times · Source

Why does the code below contain an error (ParserError: Expected identifier but got '=').

contract Test {

    struct Box {
        uint size;

    Box public box;
    box.size = 3;    //<-- error here

    constructor() public {


It works if I put the box.size = 3; into the constructor!

contract Test {

    struct Box {
        uint size;

    Box public box;

    constructor() public {
        box.size = 3;



The grammar doesn't allow assignments on contract level. But it allows declarations of state variables and these can contain an initializer. Therefore you can initialize it with

Box public box = Box({ size: 3 });


Box public box = Box(3);