Top "Slidingmenu" questions

The Sliding Menu is a design pattern made popular by the Google+, YouTube, and Facebook apps.

Bootstrap 3.0 Sliding Menu from left

I've implemented a sliding menu from left to right in my bootstrap 3.0 website using mmenu. However, the performances in Android (…

twitter-bootstrap drop-down-menu twitter-bootstrap-3 slidingmenu mmenu
AndroidStudio - Module Dependencies in Gradle

I have a little problem compiling an android application using module dependencies in Android Studio. So, I want my application …

android gradle android-studio slidingmenu
How to import slidingmenu on Android Studio?

I'm using Android Studio, and as you know, importing libraries used in current IDE like Eclipse is not easy with …

android actionbarsherlock android-studio slidingmenu
Clear Android Fragment back stack without popping?

We have an Activity that contains a SlidingMenu ( in which there's three options, let's call …

android android-fragments slidingmenu
Android sliding menu similar to the one on facebook

I'm looking for a sliding menu like the one in facebook app, that is on click of left menu button …

android slidingmenu
What is the alternative of SlidingDrawer which is deprecated? For sliding up from bottom

Hey I need some sliding menu from bottom of screen. And I saw that the SlidingDrawer is deprecated. So what …

android slidingmenu slidingdrawer
How to show the DrawerLayout when sliding from left to right, no matter where?

background google has introduced the DrawerLayout, which shows a menu on the left area of the screen when you click …

android slidingmenu drawerlayout
How to use getResources() on a

I want to add icons on my TabView, but I am stuck because I can't use getResources() in a custom …

android android-studio slidingmenu getresource
Android SlidingMenu library installation

I am trying to follow this tutorial. The aim is to integrate the SlidingMenu android library. As per the instructions …

android eclipse slidingmenu
avoid reloading on back pressed in fragments

I am making an app for car finding.I am showing result in gridview and also have a sliding menu …

android gridview android-fragments slidingmenu