Top "Slidingmenu" questions

The Sliding Menu is a design pattern made popular by the Google+, YouTube, and Facebook apps.

Gradle error with Android project added as a library (SlidingMenu) [package does not exist]

I've never used Gradle before so I'm completely lost! I've added SlidingMenu as a library and I have access from …

android gradle android-studio slidingmenu
How to open sliding menu on Button's click event?

I am implementing sliding menu using this link. Now it is working perfectly fine if I use this code in …

android onclick slidingmenu buttonclick
Left to right and right to left android sliding panel

I saw a couple libraries that can do this, but i would like to avoid them if possible. I managed …

android slidingdrawer slidingmenu sliding android-sliding
Importing libraries to AIDE

I'm using aide at the moment since my PC is currently gone. I'm trying to import the SlidingMenu (Link) library …

android mobile slidingmenu android-ide
java.lang.IllegalStateException: Failure saving state: active has cleared index in fragment

First, my app has structure like this: SpashActivity -> MainActivity -> switching between many fragments My app use …

android android-fragments slidingmenu
Facebook SDK + SlidingMenu SDK = Jar mismatch! Fix your dependencies

So I have added the Facebook SDK and the SlidingMenu SDK into my Android project, however I am getting those …

android eclipse facebook sdk slidingmenu
Cannot resolve symbol 'TabLayout' in sliding menu fragment

I'm a newbie in android programming and Im trying to make an ordering application. I have successfully created the sliding …

java android android-fragments slidingmenu android-tablayout
Adding a dependency to Android project

I am trying to set up the slidingmenu library by jfeinstein into a project. One of his instructions calls for: …

android slidingmenu
Show clicked Item highlighted in Navigation Drawer Android

I am implementing navigation drawer in my application with help of appCompat libs. I want to remain highlighted the item …

android android-actionbar slidingmenu navigation-drawer slidingdrawer
Android - Sliding menu with sub menu

I wanted my app to have face book like sliding menu. I google'd about the issue and found many posts …

android android-sliding slidingmenu