Top "Skia" questions

Skia is a complete C++ 2D graphics library for drawing text, geometries, and images.

Android Graphics Internals

I haven't found a clear explanation on how the Android graphics system works, specifically, does it use a display server, …

android graphics framebuffer skia
BitmapFactory.decodeStream always returns null and skia decoder shows decode returned false

test image here: I've tried several solutions …

android image bitmap skia
Using Skia in Android NDK

Is it true that* depends on the native Skia library? If so, is it possible to access the …

android skia
How do the pieces of Android's (2D) Canvas drawing pipeline fit together?

I would like to have a better understanding of how the components of Android's (2D) Canvas drawing pipeline fit together. …

android skia android-canvas
Android, Skia, and hardware accelerated graphics

This page says: Prior to Android 3.0, Canvas used the Skia 2D drawing library …

android canvas opengl-es skia
Flutter mask a circle into a container

I want to add a circle effect over a container, but I want the circle to not extend the dimensions …

android flutter skia
Using SKIA library instead of Android Canvas

While I am researching about 2D rendering pipeline of android, I came to know a graphic library SKIA written in …

android canvas skia
Skia vs Cairo vs Direct2D, which is the most feature rich?

A just curious question. I'm aware that: Skia, Cairo: library Direct2D: API But without any additional components, exclusively on …

2d directx vector-graphics cairo skia
What graphic library does chrome use

I know about openGL/directX graphic library that can be used to render graphics. Hardware vendor of Graphic processing unit …

google-chrome opengl rendering chromium skia
Unable to load JPEG-image with BitmapFactory.decodeFile. Returns null

I'm making an app that show a lot of images that are generated from PDF-files by Imagemagick. Some of the …

android image skia