Top "Skew" questions

CSS Transform Skew

Does anyone know how to achieve skew like this: Using CSS's new transform property? As you can see I'm trying …

css css-transforms css-shapes skew
Makefile : Clock skew detected

My problem is whenever I try to compile using Makefile I get the following : make: Warning: File `Board.c' has …

makefile clock skew
Executing cv::warpPerspective for a fake deskewing on a set of cv::Point

I'm trying to do a perspective transformation of a set of points in order to achieve a deskewing effect: http://…

c++ opencv image-processing perspective skew
How to generate distributions given, mean, SD, skew and kurtosis in R?

Is it possible to generate distributions in R for which the Mean, SD, skew and kurtosis are known? So far …

r statistics skew frequency-distribution
Skewed Borders on a Div

I'm trying to skew a div, similar to this: Slant the top of a div using css without skewing text …

html css css-shapes skew
Skew one side only of an element

I'm tying to get a result as this image : I tried that : #parallelogram-container { margin: 0 50px; } .parallelogram { background: #008dd0; width: 200px; …

css transform skew
CSS Skew only container, not content

I'm having trouble figuring out how to make the following layout work. I'm not restricted to pure CSS - I …

css transform skew
creating a responsive skewed background with css

I'm trying to create a skewed background on my website. The blocks will all have a skewed top and bottom …

html css background skew
Does "n * (rand() / RAND_MAX)" make a skewed random number distribution?

I'd like to find an unskewed way of getting random numbers in C (although at most I'm going to be …

c random numbers skew
How do I unskew background image in skewed layer (CSS)?

I'm trying to display a profile photo like this / - / (the slashes represent slants using skewX, the hyphen represents a …

css background skew