Top "Signalr-hub" questions

Hubs provide a higher level RPC framework over a PersistentConnection.

Signalr/Hub not loading in IIS 7 but working correctly in Visual Studio

I am working on a Web Application on the Asp .Net 4.0 framework that uses SignalR, having installed it from the …

c# iis iis-7 signalr signalr-hub
Mapping SignalR connections to users

Consider a web application like facebook, that can send realtime notifications to users. What is the best way, using asp.… notifications signalr signalr-hub
How to get SignalR Hub Context in a ASP.NET Core?

I'm trying to get the context for a hub using the following: var hubContext = GlobalHost.ConnectionManager.GetHubContext<SomeHub>(); …

signalr signalr-hub
SignalR - Checking if a user is still connected

I have a hub with method that is called client-side. This method launches a timer with a delegate that runs …

c# timer signalr signalr-hub
How do I call a SignalR hub method from the outside?

This is my Hub code: public class Pusher : Hub, IPusher { readonly IHubContext _hubContext = GlobalHost.ConnectionManager.GetHubContext<Pusher>(); public …

c# signalr signalr-hub
SignalR Timeout Properties

We have come across this link which specifies the different time out properties: …

signalr signalr-hub signalr.client
Host SignalR in IIS

I'm just wondering and it is hunting me for these past few days is it possible to Host a SignalR …

c# iis signalr signalr-hub
SignalR - Send message OnConnected

I've been experimenting with SignalR today and It's really neat. Basically what I wanted to achieve is the following: As …

c# signalr signalr-hub signalr.client
SignalR - sending parameter to OnConnected?

I have the following JS working: var chat = $.connection.appHub; My app has a single hub, AppHub, that handles two …

signalr signalr-hub
SignalR: Error loading hubs

Signalr doesn't load my hubs: SignalR: Error loading hubs. Ensure your hubs reference is correct, e.g. <script src=…

c# signalr signalr-hub