I'm trying to get the context for a hub using the following:
var hubContext = GlobalHost.ConnectionManager.GetHubContext<SomeHub>();
The problem is that GlobalHost is not defined. I see it is part of the SignalR.Core dll. At the moment, I have the following in my project .json file, under dependencies:
"Microsoft.AspNet.SignalR.Server": "3.0.0-*"
If I add the latest available version of Core:
"Microsoft.AspNet.SignalR.Server": "3.0.0-*",
"Microsoft.AspNet.SignalR.Core" : "2.1.2"
I get a whole bunch of errors because server and core are conflicting. If I change them to both use version "3.0.0-*", all the conflicts go away, but GlobalHost cannot be found. If I remove Server, and just user Core version 2.1.2 then GlobalHost works, but all the other things needing Server, obviously do not.
Any ideas?
IConnectionManager does not exist any more in SignalR for ASP.Net Core.
I've been using HubContext
for getting access to a hub.
public class HomeController : Controller
private readonly IHubContext<LiveHub> _hubContext;
public HomeController(IHubContext<LiveHub> hubContext)
_hubContext = hubContext;
public void SendToAll(string message)
_hubContext.Clients.All.InvokeAsync("Send", message);
I'm using .net core 2.0.0 and SignalR 1.0.0-alpha1-final