Top "Signalr-hub" questions

Hubs provide a higher level RPC framework over a PersistentConnection.

Send message to specific user in signalr

I have a signalR Server(Console Application) and a client application( MVC5) How I can send message to …

c# signalr signalr-hub
/signalr/hubs not loading in mvc4: Throws 404

Here is what I did. I used nuget to get the SignalR for my MVC4 project. Created a MyHub class … http-status-code-404 signalr signalr-hub
Context.User.Identity.Name is null with SignalR 2.X.X. How to fix it?

This is driving me insane. I'm using latest signalR release (2.0.2). This is my hub code (OnConnected) public override Task OnConnected() { //… authentication signalr signalr-hub owin
SignalR "Error during negotiation request"

I have socket notification in my application which work great when I run locally, but when I deploy to my …

signalr signalr-hub signalr.client
SignalR and HttpContext/Session

I understand why SignalR doesn't give you access to the HttpContext. However, this is quite problematic for us. Let me … signalr signalr-hub
it is possible to stream video with SignalR?

Well I'm trying to perform a proof about video streaming, I'm working with c#. I'm kind of lost, …

signalr signalr-hub signalr.client
SignalR client with multiple connections

I have multiple SignalR 'services' running and only one UI to access them. How can I make the client js …

jquery signalr signalr-hub
The requested Performance Counter is not a custom counter, it has to be initialized as ReadOnly." on RouteTable.Routes.MapHubs();

I'm working with SignalR 1.1.2 version and Windsor Castle in an AspNet MVC 4 application. My problem is that this error message …

c# signalr signalr-hub
SignalR send message to single connectionId

I have an classic website. ive got SignalR basic functionality to work (where one client send messages to …

c# signalr signalr-hub