Top "Signalr-hub" questions

Hubs provide a higher level RPC framework over a PersistentConnection.

Detect SignalR Hub Client Disconnect instantly

When is the SignalR Hub OnDisconnected raised on server side, for the the .net client that crash or close without …

.net signalr-hub signalr.client
SignalR function return value

I created a SignalR hub which contain the following hub function: public bool GetStatus() { return true; } I'm want to call …

c# signalr signalr-hub signalr.client
How to pass some data through signalR header or query string in .net core 2.0 app

Using signalR in .net 4.7 we were able to pass two variables from the client application to signalR server. Here is …

c# signalr signalr-hub
SignalR .NET client disconnecting

We are coming across an interesting issue. Here is what our setup looks like: SignalR Server (an ASP.NET MVC …

signalr signalr-hub signalr.client
SignalR: Hub OnConnected not called if no client methods

I am writing a game in SignalR. The idea is that you connect with your laptop, which will be used …

javascript signalr signalr-hub signalr.client
SignalR 2 long polling "protocol" request times out when not ran locally

Currently I have an app that is very chatty and needs to be supported by a Singleton(See Code below). …

c# signalr signalr-hub signalr.client
SignalR + Dependency Injection Questions

I am using SignalR in my MVC3 application, and since I have implemented StructureMap Dependency Injection on my controllers I … dependency-injection structuremap signalr signalr-hub
Get full URL inside SignalR hub

I'm developing an user tracking solution using SignalR, as a fun project to learn SignalR, for ASP.NET MVC applications. … signalr signalr-hub
How to send Parameter/Query in HubConnection SignalR Core

I'm trying to add parameter into connection to signalr. I'm using Builder to create my Client connection and start it: …

c# signalr-hub
Is it possible to call a SignalR Hub from Postman

I have an ASP .Net Core 2.2 Web API with a SignalR hub. Is it possible to call one of its …

signalr postman signalr-hub signalr.client