Top "Sfml" questions

SFML (Simple Fast Multimedia Library) is a portable and easy to use multimedia API written in C++. You can see it as a modern, object-oriented alternative to SDL.

How do I resolve "undefined reference to 'std::basic_ostream<char, std::char_traits<char>"?

Well I'm trying to install SFML for C++ and it's giving me horrific log crashes... I linked and put all …

c++ include sfml libs
Cannot call XInitThreads

I have written an SFML C++ game, and tried to start using threads, but after a while everything crashes. After …

c++ sfml xlib
Resizing in SFML 2.0

This may be a simple question but I'm having a hard time finding a straight answer to it: is there …

c++ sfml
How to run SFML in CLion, Error undefined reference to?

I'm new to C++ and try to learn game programming, I choose SFML and run on CLion by Jetbrain and …

c++ gcc cmake sfml clion
Alternative to texelFetch?

I'm getting into GLSL and need some help with texture lookups. I'm trying to use a texture for storage but …

opengl glsl sfml
Keyboard Event SFML 2.0

Im trying to get the key input in SFML 2, in the SFML 1.6 im using while (App.GetEvent(Event)) { if (App.…

Mingw 'std::function' has not been declared?

First of all, I'm using code blocks on windows with the latest mingw release. I am using the sfml library …

c++ c++11 std sfml
How would I build Box2D to work in Code::Blocks/Mingw32(Windows)

hey the title pretty much says it all. i have been trying different methods from internet sources, but whenever i …

c++ cmake box2d sfml mingw32
SFML "failed to create the font face" issue

I'm using SFML in Visual Studio 2015 to make a game that requires me to print text. I try to load …

c++ fonts sfml
How to use a custom cursor?

I'm trying to change the default OS cursor to a custom one. As of now, I'm only dealing with Windows. …

c++ windows mfc cursor sfml