Alternative to texelFetch?

Rohan Singh picture Rohan Singh · Dec 27, 2011 · Viewed 9.8k times · Source

I'm getting into GLSL and need some help with texture lookups. I'm trying to use a texture for storage but I cannot get "proper" texture lookups. I would prefer using the usual texture2D method (using GLSL 1.2) but the results are not good enough.

Using texture2D: one

Using texelFetch: two

Now obviously something is wrong with the first one. Here is what I am trying to do (yes sizes are correct unless there is something I don't know about):

vec4 texelFetch(sampler2D tex, ivec2 size, ivec2 coord)
    return texture2D(tex, vec2(float(coord.x) / float(size.x), 
                               float(coord.y) / float(size.y)));

So, how would this be done properly?


datenwolf picture datenwolf · Dec 27, 2011

This has become some sort of FAQ:

I answered it here

and here

and in a few other places as well.