Top "Server" questions

A server is a running instance of a software application capable of accepting requests from a client and giving responses accordingly.

Systemd with multiple execStart

i Would know if it's possible to create service with the same script started with different input parameters. Such as: […

linux service server systemd
How to fix "JARs that were scanned but no TLDs were found in them " in Tomcat 9.0.0M10

I'm new to Java EE and trying to work on ServletContextListener and listener job is connection to database bla bla .…

java tomcat server
There was an error while trying to load the gem 'uglifier'. (Bundler::GemRequireError)

Why am i getting this error? shibly@mybox:~/blog$ rails server /home/shibly/.gem/ruby/2.2.4/gems/bundler-1.11.2/lib/bundler/runtime.…

ruby-on-rails ruby-on-rails-4 server
How to find Private Key Location

I'm trying to access a server using Filezilla and was told I needed to use authentication with public/private keys. …

ssh server private-key filezilla
Disable cmd and PowerShell on Windows Server 2012 for clients

I'm using Windows Server 2012, and I want to disable the cmd and the PowerShell for the clients. I've searched in …

cmd server windows-server-2012 clients policies
Where is the data directory in Redis?

After writing some data to a redis server, I could read the data from a client. However, how can I …

redis directory server
Firebase Java Server to send push notification to all devices

I am trying to send a Push notification to my android device with the new Firebase service. I registered and …

java android firebase server
Unable to access Webmin through browser

I followed DigitalOcean's tutorials on how to set up your server with SSH, creating a new user, firewalls etc. The …

ssh server ubuntu-14.04 digital-ocean webmin
Nginx connect() failed error

I don't know why I got this error every time I tried to open the page: 2013/04/06 17:52:19 [error] 5040#0: *1 connect() failed (111: Connection …

php nginx server
Uncaught Error: Call to undefined function mysql_connect()

Uncaught Error: Call to undefined function mysql_connect() in C:\xampp\htdocs\phoenixproject\register.php:9 Stack trace: #0 {main} thrown in …

php mysql server connect