Top "Serial-port" questions

A serial port is a physical interface through which data is transferred (uni- or bidirectionally) one bit at a time.

How to transfer a binary file through serial?

I brought a new hardware (connected through USB as /dev/ttyUSB0). I need to transfer a binary os.bin file …

serial-port teraterm
I/O exception error when using

FINAL UPDATE It was our firmware the whole time. Embarrassing to a degree, but I'm happy we can move forward …

c# winapi serial-port ioexception baud-rate
Cannot send character with minicom

I'm using minicom to connect through a serial link to a target (UART link of a sparc processor). With gtkterm …

c unix terminal serial-port
MacOS: what's the difference between /dev/tty.* and /dev/cu.*?

Each serial device shows up twice in /dev, once as a tty.* and once as a cu.*. What is the …

macos serial-port tty
Cannot set baud rate on USB serial port for Ubuntu 12.04

I just upgraded from Ubuntu 10.04 on a project that connects an embedded device through a USB serial port at 115,200 baud. …

ubuntu serial-port usb usbserial
Reading from serial port with Boost Asio

I'm want to check for incoming data packages on the serial port, using boost.asio. Each data packet will start …

c++ serial-port boost-asio streambuf
Time to send 32KB over 9600 baud serial?

I'm wondering if my math here is correct. If my baud rate is 9600 then that means 9600 bits are sent every …

embedded serial-port baud-rate
pySerial 2.6: specify end-of-line in readline()

I am sending commands to Eddie using pySerial. I need to specify a carriage-return in my readline, but pySerial 2.6 got …

python serial-port pyserial
Serial import python

I"m trying to use pyserial. When I do the following script. import serial ser= serial.serial("COM5", 9600) ser.write("…

python module serial-port pyserial
How can I find out a COM port number of a bluetooth device in c#?

My company developed a device that communicates with a PC via Bluetooth using a virtual COM port. Now we need …

c# serial-port bluetooth