I am sending commands to Eddie using pySerial. I need to specify a carriage-return in my readline, but pySerial 2.6 got rid of it... Is there a workaround?
Here are the Eddie command set is listed on the second and third pages of this PDF. Here is a backup image in the case where the PDF is inaccessible.
Input: <cmd>[<WS><param1>...<WS><paramN>]<CR>
Response (Success): [<param1>...<WS><paramN>]<CR>
Response (Failure): ERROR[<SP>-<SP><verbose_reason>]<CR>
As you can see all responses end with a \r
. I need to tell pySerial to stop.
def sendAndReceive(self, content):
logger.info('Sending {0}'.format(content))
self.ser.write(content + '\r')
response = self.ser.readline() # Currently stops reading on timeout...
if self.isErr(response):
return None
return response
I'm having the same issue and implemented my own readline() function which I copied and modified from the serialutil.py file found in the pyserial package.
The serial connection is part of the class this function belongs to and is saved in attribute 'self.ser'
def _readline(self):
eol = b'\r'
leneol = len(eol)
line = bytearray()
while True:
c = self.ser.read(1)
if c:
line += c
if line[-leneol:] == eol:
return bytes(line)
This is a safer, nicer and faster option than waiting for the timeout.
EDIT: I came across this post when trying to get the io.TextIOWrapper method to work (thanks zmo). So instead of using the custom readline function as mentioned above you could use:
self.ser = serial.Serial(port=self.port,
self.ser_io = io.TextIOWrapper(io.BufferedRWPair(self.ser, self.ser, 1),
newline = '\r',
line_buffering = True)
self_id = self.ser_io.readline()
Make sure to pass the argument 1
to the BufferedRWPair
, otherwise it will not pass the data to the TextIOWrapper after every byte causing the serial connection to timeout again.
When setting line_buffering
to True
you no longer have to call the flush
function after every write (if the write is terminated with a newline character).
The TextIOWrapper method works in practice for small command strings, but its behavior is undefined and can lead to errors when transmitting more than a couple bytes. The safest thing to do really is to implement your own version of readline