Top "Serial-port" questions

A serial port is a physical interface through which data is transferred (uni- or bidirectionally) one bit at a time.

How can I use COM and USB ports within Cygwin?

I want to send/receive data from my Arduino board with a Python script. I would like to do it …

usb cygwin serial-port arduino pyserial
screen /dev/ttyUSB0 with different options such as databit, parity, etc

I am trying to use screen /dev/ttyUSB0 to connect to a old computer(s) through a USB-serial interface. I …

serial-port tty gnu-screen usbserial
How can I simulate SerialPort interactions for testing?

I'm about to start developing a small app (C#) that communicates with a PLC and a testing unit via Serial …

c# serial-port simulation
How to find /dev/ name of USB Device for Serial Reading on Mac OS?

I am trying to plug in a device into my Macbook and connect to it to read it's serial port. …

macos serial-port embedded putty
sending hex bytes to serial in bash

I am able to send hec bytes to a serial port using stty -F /dev/ttyUSB0 speed 115200 cs8 -cstopb -parenb …

bash command-line serial-port serial-communication
Serial Receiving from Arduino to Raspberry Pi with PySerial stops after a while

I'm working on a project in which I have to receive some 25 character data at a time in order to …

python serial-port arduino raspberry-pi pyserial
How to setup serial communication in Processing to /dev/rfcomm0

I am trying to perform serial communication on between Ubuntu 12.04 and a JY-MCU bluetooth serial module connected to an Arduino. …

bluetooth serial-port processing rfcomm
Finding information about all serial devices connected through USB in C#

My project requires detection of a specific device when it is connected to USB. The only way I can identify …

c# .net serial-port wmi
How to properly set up serial communication on Linux

I'm attempting to read and write data from and to an FPGA board. The board itself came with a driver …

c linux embedded serial-port termios
Qt Serial Port - Reading data consistently

I am sending (writing) bytes to a device via my serial port. I am using the QSerialPort (…

c++ qt serial-port qtserialport