Top "Serial-port" questions

A serial port is a physical interface through which data is transferred (uni- or bidirectionally) one bit at a time.

How to send command to serial port (JAVA + RXTX)

I have a problem with sending data input to a weight balance. I need to send a ESC P CR …

java serial-port communication rxtx
asio::read with timeout

I need to know how to read (sync or async doesn't matters) with a timeout. I want to check if …

c++ boost timeout serial-port boost-asio
PuTTY command line automate serial commands from file

I am trying to connect to a serial port and send a series of commands from a file. Firstly I …

batch-file serial-port command-line-interface putty plink
Android 2.2. How to set up serial port(com,rfcomm) port?

I a trying to connect my Nexus One with Android version 2.2.1 with my pc and use a terminal program such …

android serial-port rfcomm
Sending ASCII Command using PySerial

I am trying to send the followings ASCII command: close1 using PySerial, below is my attempt: import serial #Using pyserial …

python python-3.x serial-port hardware pyserial
Communicating with an USB device over “USB Virtual Serial Port” using C#?

I recently plugged in an USB embedded device(mbed lpc1768) using a normal USB cable to a Windows 7 desktop. According …

c# windows serial-port usb mbed
How to send and recieve over rs-485 serial port?

I want to communicate between my PC and some controller boards. The expectation is that the PC will send an …

c# serial-port rs485
How to programmatically find all available Baudrates in C# (serialPort class)

Is there a way to find out all the available baud rates that a particular system supports via C#? This …

c# serial-port baud-rate
Serial Communication between Java RXTX and Arduino

I'm trying to communicate between my PC (Windows 7 using Netbeans and RXTX) with an Arduino Pro, using the serial port. …

java serial-port arduino rxtx
Get the device name connected to the serial port

I search how to get the device name of the material connected to the serial port. I've two different types …

c# serial-port