Top "Teraterm" questions

TeraTerm is a free, open source terminal emulator.

How to transfer a binary file through serial?

I brought a new hardware (connected through USB as /dev/ttyUSB0). I need to transfer a binary os.bin file …

serial-port teraterm
Sending commands to a Tera Term via script file

I am testing some boards and the system used to test these is Tera Term. In Tera Term I use …

scripting serial-port command teraterm
win32gui.FindWindow Not finding window

I'm trying to send a keystroke to an inactive TeraTerm Window using Pywin32. This answer led me to write this …

python windows winapi pywin32 teraterm
How to run Teraterm and TTL file using Batch file?

From Tera Term. To start MACRO (TTL), select the [Control] Macro command and then the macro file in the Open …

batch-file ttl teraterm
How to execute a command (macro) in Tera Term, like to toggle DTR and RTS signals?

How do I make Tera Term toggle DTR and RTS, or execute any of its custom commands in the Tera …

serial-port teraterm
TTL script to print numbers?

How can we write a TTL script to print first 10 numbers? This is what I have tried: for i 1 10 dispstr …

Change log file name of teraterm log

I would like to change the default log file name of teraterm terminal log. What I would like to do …

logging terminal teraterm