Top "Self-tracking-entities" questions

In an Entity Framework-based application, a context is responsible for tracking changes in your objects.

What is the purpose of self tracking entities?

I've been reading about self-tracking entities in .net and how they can be generated from a *.edmx file. The thing …

c# .net entity-framework self-tracking-entities
Preventing StackOverflowException while serializing Entity Framework object graph into Json

I want to serialize an Entity Framework Self-Tracking Entities full object graph (parent + children in one to many relationships) into …

c#-4.0 entity-framework-4 self-tracking-entities servicestack jsonserializer
Self Tracking Entities vs POCO Entities

We are starting a new web based product in which we are planning to expose our business logic through WCF … wcf entity-framework-4 poco self-tracking-entities
EF4 POCO: Snapshot vs Self-tracking over WCF

Last year I developed a data access service for our project using Entity Framework (.NET3.5 of course) and using Julie …

wcf entity-framework poco snapshot self-tracking-entities
EF4/WCF SaveChanges() Best Practice

This is how we implement a generic Save() service in WCF for our EF entities. A TT does the work …

wcf entity-framework self-tracking-entities savechanges