What is the purpose of self tracking entities?

Calanus picture Calanus · Feb 23, 2011 · Viewed 16.2k times · Source

I've been reading about self-tracking entities in .net and how they can be generated from a *.edmx file. The thing that I'm struggling to understand is what generating these entities gives you over the basic EF entities? Also, some people have mentioned self tracking entities and Silverlight, but why would you use these rather than the client side or shared classes generated by RIA services?

What is the point of self-tracking entities and why would you use them?


Ladislav Mrnka picture Ladislav Mrnka · Feb 23, 2011

Self tracking entities (STE) are implementation of change set (previous .NET implementation of change set is DataSet). The difference between STE and other entity types (POCO, EntityObject) is that common entity types can track changes only when connected to living ObjectContext. Once common entity is detached it loose any change tracking ability. This is exactly what STE solves. STE is able to track changes even if you detach it from ObjectContext.

The common usage of STE is in disconnected scenarios like .NET to .NET communication over web services. First request to web service will create and return STE (entity is detached when serialized and ObjectContext lives only to serve single call). Client will make changes in STE and pass it back in another web service call. Service will be able to process changes because it will have STE internal change tracking available.

Handling this scenario without change tracking is possible but it is much more complex especially when you work with whole object graph instead of single entity - you must manually merge changes received from client to current state in database.

Be aware that STEs are not for interoperable solutions because their functionality is based on sharing STE code between server and client.