Top "Selectedtext" questions

PHP code to get selected text of a combo box

I have a combo box named "Make". In that combo box I'm loading vehicle manufacturer names. When I click SEARCH …

php html combobox selectedtext
How to get selected text from textbox control with javascript

I have a textbox and a link button. When I write some text, then select some of them and then …

javascript html textarea textselection selectedtext
What is the simplest way to get the selected text of a combo box containing only text entries?

My WPF ComboBox contains only text entries. The user will select one. What is the simplest way to get the …

wpf combobox selecteditem selectedvalue selectedtext
How to get the TEXT of Datagridview Combobox selected item?

How to get the Combobox selected item text which is inside a DataGridView? I have tried using the below code: …

c# winforms datagridview combobox selectedtext
how to move cursor in UITextField after setting its value

can anybody help me with this: i need to implement UITextField for input number. This number should always be in …

ios uitextfield nsnumberformatter selectedtext
MVC3: Get Drop down menu selected value/text via Javascript

On MVC3, with a dropdownlist defined as @Html.dropDownList(m=>m.model, new SelectList(m.myList, "value", "text")) How …

javascript drop-down-menu selectedvalue selectedtext
how to highlight/select text in a wpf textbox without focus?

I want to highlight selected text in a wpf textbox while the textbox is not focused. In my application, my …

c# wpf textbox selectedtext
Should I use a Winforms combobox's SelectedItem, SelectedText, or SelectedValue?

I want to pass a value in a combo box as a param to a SQL statement. The Winforms combobox …

winforms combobox selecteditem selectedvalue selectedtext
MVVM and the TextBox's SelectedText property

I have a TextBox with a ContextMenu in it. When the user right clicks inside the TextBox and chooses the …

wpf mvvm textbox selectedtext