Top "Searchview" questions

is an Android GUI widget that provides a user interface for the user to enter a search query and submit a request to a search provider

Expand Search View to use entire Action Bar (hide other things)

I have a SearchView inside my ActionBar, and I want to use the entire ActionBar when the search icon is …

android android-actionbar searchview
How to change SearchView textcolor?

My SearchView is located in a LinearLayout / RelativeLayout rather than the action bar. Its default text color is white, how …

android searchview
Android: Providing recent search suggestions without searchable activity?

I have an ActionBar SearchView and I am successfully able to make searches with it. The android documentation does not …

java android searchview
How to handle back button of Search View in android

I have Develop an application that have search view in action bar and i got issue when i am do …

android searchview android-search
Android SearchView set Expanded by default

I'm currently developing a simple apps using Android Studio with the minimum API Level 8, now i currently using…

android android-layout android-studio searchview
Change TextColor in SearchView using Android Toolbar

I have the following problem. I've setup my Actionbar to use a Toolbar instead using the API 21 with the appcompat-v7:21. …

android searchview android-toolbar
detecting a click on action bar back button -(OnOptionsItemSelected not calling when click on action bar back button)

I have an action bar containing a searchview. When user click on the search button and collapse the search view …

android android-actionbar searchview optionmenu
Toolbar with SearchView temporary filtering RecyclerView

I need to implement search functionality inside my android app which uses toolbar, SlidingTabLayout and ViewPager that holds fragments. Inside …

android-fragments searchview android-recyclerview android-toolbar
Android - Actionbar Sherlock - Search Filter

I am trying to implement Action Bar using ActionBar Sherlock. I have three Action Button one of which is a …

android android-actionbar actionbarsherlock searchview
Android support library SearchView xml attributes queryHint and iconifiedByDefault not working

I have the following SearchView in a layout file < android:id="@+id/search_view" …

android searchview