Top "Android-search" questions

Search is a core user feature on Android.

MenuItemCompat.getActionView always returns null

I just implemented the v7 AppCompat support library but the MenuItemCompat.getActionView always return null in every Android version I …

android searchview android-actionbar-compat android-search
How to change SearchView elements' color?

I want to use SearchView in my project, but I have a problem with elements' color. Let me show you: …

android android-theme android-styles android-search
How to remove white underline in a SearchView widget in Toolbar Android

I am using Toolbar search widget in my project. Everything works fine but expect the thing which I am completely …

android searchview android-toolbar android-search
How to implement Search Bar like gmail app in android?

I am trying to implement the Search functionality in my android app similar to latest gmail app (search icon in …

android android-layout uisearchbar material-design android-search
Android Search Activity in Single Activity

I am trying to make my app consist a SINGLE activity. This activity should be able to create a search …

android searchview android-searchmanager android-search
Android SearchView customisation

im new to android and i got stucked on something that i think it's simple but i got confused.. I …

android android-layout android-search
How to detect SearchView's back button press?

I'm using a single activity to display SearchView as well as to display search results. The search results is just …

android android-layout searchview android-search
How to programmatically initiate a Google Now voice search?

I want to start a Google Now voice search when the user presses a button. However, I can't find the …

android android-search google-now
How to handle back button of Search View in android

I have Develop an application that have search view in action bar and i got issue when i am do …

android searchview android-search
Android SearchView on ActionBar, detect click on Search

In my application, like many other, there is a common search widget (…

android android-searchmanager android-search