Top "Android-searchmanager" questions

Search Manager Class Provides access to the system search services.

Android search with Fragments

Does somebody know of a tutorial or an example of how to implement the standard Android search interface with Fragments? …

java android sqlite android-fragments android-searchmanager
Android: How to detect click on custom SearchView element

I m creating a custom SearchView, but so far I didn't find a (click)event or listener, if the user …

android android-layout android-searchmanager
When is it necessary to use singleTop launchMode in an android widget or application?

I just got burned by a widget. I could see the cause of the problem, but I could not determine …

android android-widget android-searchmanager
Android Search Activity in Single Activity

I am trying to make my app consist a SINGLE activity. This activity should be able to create a search …

android searchview android-searchmanager android-search
SearchView getActionView returning null

This was working a few days ago, but suddenly it stopped. I only want to use the action bar search …

android android-searchmanager android-support-library
Android Actionbar Search widget implementation In ListFragment

I currently have my application set up with a ListFragment on the left and a DetailsFragment on the right (similar …

android android-3.0-honeycomb android-actionbar android-4.0-ice-cream-sandwich android-searchmanager
Android SearchView on ActionBar, detect click on Search

In my application, like many other, there is a common search widget (…

android android-searchmanager android-search
Search widget on action bar doesn't trigger my search activity

I'm developing search widget interface based on official tutorial: Problem: My …

android android-actionbar android-searchmanager
How to Implement Floating SearchWidget Android

I am trying to implement the search widget in the current android apps, but just can't get it done and …

android android-search android-searchmanager
Android: getSearchableInfo(getComponentName()) returning null?

I'm trying to get suggestions for SearchView. I've implemented a custom content provider for it. I've also referred to this …

android android-searchmanager search-suggestion searchview