Top "Searchview" questions

is an Android GUI widget that provides a user interface for the user to enter a search query and submit a request to a search provider

SearchView In ListView having a custom Adapter

Guys I am in need of some help.I have been trying to implement a SearchView in my project.But …

android android-listview baseadapter searchview
How do I capture SearchView's clear button click?

How can I capture the event of user click on clear SearchView text by clicking on the X button on …

android searchview
Styling a SearchView in Android Action Bar

I have a search widget in my Action Bar like this: (1) How do I change the color of the text …

android search styles searchview
Android SearchView.OnQueryTextListener OnQueryTextSubmit not fired on empty query string

I am using Android 4.1.2. I have a SearchView widget on an ActionBar. Documentation on SearchView.OnQueryTextListener from the android developer …

android searchview
how to change android SearchView text

Is there a setText() method for SearchView or something like that? I try to set the search text in the …

android searchview
MenuItemCompat.getActionView always returns null

I just implemented the v7 AppCompat support library but the MenuItemCompat.getActionView always return null in every Android version I …

android searchview android-actionbar-compat android-search
How to dismiss keyboard in Android SearchView?

I have a searchView in the ActionBar. I want to dismiss the keyboard when the user is done with input. …

android android-actionbar android-3.0-honeycomb searchview
How to add a SearchWidget to the ActionBar?

I'm trying to add a Search-ActionView to my application (as explained here…

android nullpointerexception android-actionbar searchview
Adding SearchView in Fragment

Trying to include a searchview in actionbar. For this, I have done the following: Created MenuSearch.xml in the menu …

android xamarin searchview
How can I style the SearchView when using a Toolbar as an Action Bar?

I'm using a Toolbar as an Action Bar in my app using the AppCompat v21 library, as described in this …

android android-actionbar android-5.0-lollipop searchview android-toolbar