Top "Searchview" questions

is an Android GUI widget that provides a user interface for the user to enter a search query and submit a request to a search provider

Remove Search View icon from hint text

I am using appcompat library with a toolbar and I have implemented a search view in my app. But i …

android android-actionbar android-appcompat searchview android-actionbar-compat
SearchView on support.v7.appcompat library issue: default 9-patch background not renders properly

I'm developing an app with ActionBar using support.v7.appcompat library. The action bar works, the SearchView is shown, the …

android android-support-library searchview android-actionbar-compat
Android Support Library ActionBar not Working in 2.3 Device

Hello friends i implemented ActionBar support Library with v7 Appcompact . I extend my Activity class with ActionBarActivity . Below is my …

android android-actionbar compatibility android-support-library searchview
SearchView using AppCompat

I implemented SearchView in Actionbar before using appcompat.v7 but when I want to use the SearchView with support library …

android searchview android-5.0-lollipop
Styling android search view and drop down list in actionbar

In my app, I have a searchview that displays search suggestions. I want the dropdown/spinner and text to be …

android android-actionbar android-styles searchview android-toolbar
android searchview setOnActionExpandListener on Honeycomb 3.2

I'm developing an app for Android 3.2 and greater with android-support-v4. I need to implement OnActionExpandListener for "intercept" when SearchView in …

java android android-actionbar android-3.0-honeycomb searchview
Android - searchview with auto complete feature inside action bar

I want to build an app that has sherlock action bar and a search view inside it. However, i want …

android actionbarsherlock autocompletetextview searchview
Start new activity from SearchView

I have 2 activities: the first has a action bar with a search view, the second should display the results of …

android searchview
android custom searchView rounded corners

I want to create an Activity with a SearchView that is not in the ActionBar (in fact, I'm using the …

android searchview rounded-corners
Is there a better way to restore SearchView state?

I have a collapsible SearchView in my ActionBar. After a search has been performed, the associated ListView is filtered to …

android searchview