Top "Search-engine" questions

A search engine is program that searches documents for specified keywords and returns a list of the documents where the keywords were found.

Why do search engine crawlers not run javascript?

I have been working with some advanced javascript applications using a lot of ajax requests to render my page. To …

javascript ajax search-engine google-crawlers
inline SVG - best alternative to "alt" tag normally used for < img > SEO?

Say I were to swap out an <img> within my main site header to use SVG instead. Normally …

html optimization seo search-engine
how to prevent staging to be indexed in search engines

I would like my staging web sites to no being indexed by search engines (Google as first). I have heard …

web search-engine robots.txt nofollow
How does a full text search server like Sphinx work?

Can anyone explain in simple words how a full text server like Sphinx works? In plain SQL, one would use …

sql full-text-search search-engine sphinx thinking-sphinx
How to maintain SEO while using JQuery to show hidden divs

Im working with jquery ui on many of my websites and I am concerned that any content that is in …

jquery jquery-ui search-engine seo
Ruby on Rails, How to determine if a request was made by a robot or search engine spider?

I've Rails apps, that record an IP-address from every request to specific URL, but in my IP database i've found …

ruby-on-rails ruby-on-rails-3 search-engine web-crawler
How to show more images from Duckduckgo/Bing using the http url?

The default image search on DuckduckGo/Bing returns 35 images. E.g.…

image url search-engine bing duckduckgo
Sitemap for dynamic content?

I am developing a webapp using codeigniter (mvc) and php. I was wondering how do I create a sitemap for …

php codeigniter search-engine sitemap
how to migrate mysql data to ElasticSearch realtime

I have a mysql database with couple tables, I wanna migrate the mysql data to ElasticSearch. It's easy to migrate …

mysql elasticsearch solr lucene search-engine
How to evaluate a search engine?

I am a student carrying out a study to enhance a search engine's existing algorithm. I want to know how …

seo search-engine pagerank