Top "Robots.txt" questions


Can a relative sitemap url be used in a robots.txt?

In robots.txt can I write the following relative URL for the sitemap file? sitemap: /sitemap.ashx Or do I …

seo sitemap robots.txt
How to configure robots.txt to allow everything?

My robots.txt in Google Webmaster Tools shows the following values: User-agent: * Allow: / What does it mean? I don't have …

Ignore urls in robot.txt with specific parameters?

I would like for google to ignore urls like this:…

seo robots.txt
How do I disallow specific page from robots.txt

I am creating two pages on my site that are very similar but serve different purposes. One is to thank …

Multiple Sitemap: entries in robots.txt?

I have been searching around using Google but I can't find an answer to this question. A robots.txt file …

sitemap robots.txt
Static files in Flask - robot.txt, sitemap.xml (mod_wsgi)

Is there any clever solution to store static files in Flask's application root directory. robots.txt and sitemap.xml are …

python flask static mod-wsgi robots.txt
How do i configure nginx to redirect to a url for robots.txt & sitemap.xml

I am running nginx 0.6.32 as a proxy front-end for couchdb. I have my robots.txt in the database, reachable as …

nginx robots.txt
robots.txt to disallow all pages except one? Do they override and cascade?

I want one page of my site to be crawled and no others. Also, if it's any different than the …

Rendering plain text through PHP

For some reason, I want to serve my robots.txt via a PHP script. I have setup apache so that …

php text header robots.txt plaintext
Robots.txt - What is the proper format for a Crawl Delay for multiple user agents?

Below is a sample robots.txt file to Allow multiple user agents with multiple crawl delays for each user agent. …

format web-crawler robots.txt agents