Top "Robots.txt" questions


Ban robots from website

my website is often down because a spider is accessying to many resources. This is what the hosting told me. …

bots robots.txt web-crawler
What is the smartest way to handle robots.txt in Express?

I'm currently working on an application built with Express (Node.js) and I want to know what is the smartest …

node.js express robots.txt
How to stop Google indexing my Github repository

I use Github to store the text of one of my web sites, but the problem is Google indexing the …

github robots.txt
Robots.txt: allow only major SE

Is there a way to configure the robots.txt so that the site accepts visits ONLY from Google, Yahoo! and …

web-crawler robots.txt
Disallow or Noindex on Subdomain with robots.txt

I have and hosted on different subdomains. I want crawlers to drop all records …

Block a site from search engine - DuckDuckGo

I have a development site (not a real site) When I go to and …

web-crawler robots.txt robot duckduckgo
Meta tag vs robots.txt

Is it better to use meta tags* or the robots.txt file for informing spiders/crawlers to include or exclude …

seo robots.txt meta-tags
Robots.txt Allow sub folder but not the parent

Can anybody please explain the correct robots.txt command for the following scenario. I would like to allow access to: /…

How to block search engines from indexing all urls beginning with

I have, pointing to the same codebase. Is there a way, I can prevent …

.htaccess url-rewriting robots.txt
block google robots for URLS containing a certain word

my client has a load of pages which they dont want indexed by google - they are all called http://…
