Top "Sphinx" questions

Sphinx is a free software search engine for indexing database content.

ElasticSearch, Sphinx, Lucene, Solr, Xapian. Which fits for which usage?

I'm currently looking at other search methods rather than having a huge SQL query. I saw elasticsearch recently and played …

solr lucene elasticsearch sphinx xapian
Comparison of full text search engine - Lucene, Sphinx, Postgresql, MySQL?

I'm building a Django site and I am looking for a search engine. A few candidates: Lucene/Lucene with Compass/…

mysql postgresql full-text-search lucene sphinx
Why does configure say no C compiler found when GCC is installed?

I am trying to make Sphinx from source on a 32-bit CentOS 6 VPS. When I run this command: ./configure --prefix=/…

linux gcc terminal sphinx yum
Choosing a stand-alone full-text search server: Sphinx or SOLR?

I'm looking for a stand-alone full-text search server with the following properties: Must operate as a stand-alone server that can …

mysql full-text-search lucene solr sphinx
How gracefully restart Sphinx search daemon after reindexing

I've reindexed my Sphinx search with /usr/local/sphinx/bin/indexer --all --rotate and renamed my original index output files …

full-text-search sphinx
Guide to using Sphinx with PHP and MySQL

I'm looking for a complete guide to using Sphinx with PHP and MySQL. I'd like one that's a bit simpler …

php mysql search sphinx
how to check sphinx version?

I install a sphinx search engine a couple months ago, as time pass, I don't remember that sphinx version I …

Any reason not use PostgreSQL's built-in full text search on Heroku?

I'm preparing to deploy a Rails app on Heroku that requires full text search. Up to now I've been running …

postgresql heroku solr full-text-search sphinx
Error when trying to kill processes -- "kill: pid: arguments must be process or job IDs"

I'm trying to kill Sphinx on my server so that I can restart it. I tried using this command to …

linux ssh sphinx kill
Connect to SphinxQL through Linux command-line

I am trying to connect to SphinxQL server through Linux command-line this way: > mysql -P 9306 ERROR 1045 (28000): Access denied for …

mysql command-line search-engine sphinx