Top "Search-engine" questions

A search engine is program that searches documents for specified keywords and returns a list of the documents where the keywords were found.

Is it possible to link directly to Google search results using href?

I would like to link directly to a search results page from a standard link. To give an example of …

html hyperlink href search-engine
ElasticSearch: search inside the array of objects

I have a problem with querying objects in array. Let's create very simple index, add a type with one field …

elasticsearch search-engine
Is there any free unlimited album artwork search API service?

Google's custom search API has a limitation up to 100 queries per day. That is far less than what I expected. …

search-engine artwork
API alternative to Google trends

Is there any API that I can use to rank search terms according to their popularity? An official Google API …

search-engine google-search google-trends
How to 301 redirect in ASP.NET 4.0?

I am trying to implement URL redirect for the website rather than doing it page by page. I want to … redirect search-engine http-status-code-301
Programmer-friendly search engine?

Google is unfriendly to searching for verbatim strings with characters like $ and #. Is there a search engine that supports searching …

search search-engine
Which are the best alternatives to Lucene?

It may run on Unix and it will be used for email searching (Dovecot, Postfix and maildir). Lucene is not …

lucene search-engine
How reliable is ElasticSearch as a primary datastore against factors like write loss, data availability

I am working on a project with a requirement of coming up with a generic dashboard where a users can …

elasticsearch full-text-search search-engine nosql
Is there a search engine that support regular expression search?

First, I checked this question but the answer refers to an obsolete service. So is there a web-based (or software, …

Connect to SphinxQL through Linux command-line

I am trying to connect to SphinxQL server through Linux command-line this way: > mysql -P 9306 ERROR 1045 (28000): Access denied for …

mysql command-line search-engine sphinx