Top "Sapui5" questions

This tag 'sapui5' covers both the proprietary (SAPUI5) and the open source (OpenUI5) versions of the framework.

Uncaught TypeError:this.getRouter is not a function

Tring to add an object route to the main route(table page), but return this.getRouter is not a function …

sapui5 sap-fiori
SAPUI5 create multiple value(batch) using post

To post data in the SAP Back-end I use: oModel.create("/Dummyset", oEntry); //so far it works fine Now I …

odata sapui5 netweaver
Get passed data on next page after calling "to" from NavContainer

I am on my way building a Fiori like app using SAPUI5. I have successfully built the Master page, and …

UI5 Component Metadata

I'm looking for a document with the possible metadata property names and config parameters for a component. There are many …

SAPUI5 create JSON for TreeTable / empty rows

I want to create a SAPUI TreeTable from a JSON request, currently my output looks like this (as you can …

javascript json data-binding sapui5 treetable
How to trigger DataBinding Validation for all Controls?

I have an OpenUI5 form consisting of a number of Inputcontrols. These Inputcontrols are bound to a model using the …

validation sapui5
SAPUI5 Create OData entity with dates - generates incorrect request payload that ends in CX_SXML_PARSE_ERROR

We are trying to create an entity that has date attributes via an odata service. Backend is an sap system. …

javascript odata sapui5 sap-gateway
Correct event binding in JavaScript view? Different this binding with XML views

In the SAPUI5 Developers Guide I found this note on handling events: Handling Events in XML Views. Event handlers are …

SAP UI5 odata create fail

i'm working with SapUi5 to build a webapp which connects to our Netweaver Gateway. This App consumes the data successfully, …

sapui5 netweaver sap-gateway
What is the usage of the "dependents" aggregation?

What is the real world usage of the "dependents" aggregation in SAPUI5. This was added in version 1.9. What problem does …
