Top "Sapui5" questions

This tag 'sapui5' covers both the proprietary (SAPUI5) and the open source (OpenUI5) versions of the framework.

SAPUI5 sap.m.Input - Suggestion values

How do I enable live suggestions with reading from my odata Service for a single cell in my table? oTable.…

input odata sapui5 search-suggestion
OData binding with $expand

We have to bind a OData url to UI5's ODataModel…

sapui5 netweaver
SAPUI5 - Batch Operations - how to do it right?

I got multiple EntititySets which I want to update in my SAP Backend, therefore I fetch my data (payload) as …

entity batch-processing crud sapui5
What does `bind(this)` mean?

In some part of onInit function of a controller in a SAPUI5 application there is an auto generated code like …

javascript sapui5
SAPUI5: How to get an event notification in case of ODataModel changes?

I am searching for an event that will be thrown if the ODataModel (at client side) will be changed. Problem …

event-handling odata sapui5
How to directly bind two data properties into one control property using OData model?

I am using an OData model to bind UI controls to GW services. In the service metadata, there are, say, "…

javascript sapui5
SAP UI5 versus other Javascript frameworks?

Just wanted to understand where does SAPUI5 stand as a framework. (1)Is it like jQuery (library with host of utility …

javascript angularjs backbone.js sapui5
Are security concerns sending a password using a GET request over https valid?

We have webpage which uses the sapui5-framework to build a spa. The communication between the browser and the server …

security authentication ssl https sapui5
sap.m.Select: start with a blank selection input element

When using a data aggregation on sap.m.Select, the first entry is always selected. Here's a link to the …

SAPUI5 and Logon Tokens/SSO?

I'm getting started with SAP's SAPUI5 framework, and I am trying to get single sign on to work with logon …

html sapui5 sap-basis