Top "Sapui5" questions

This tag 'sapui5' covers both the proprietary (SAPUI5) and the open source (OpenUI5) versions of the framework.

How to get content of a row in sap.m.table

So basically My problem is I have a page: var page1 = new sap.m.Page({ title: "Something", enableScrolling : true, content : [ …

Fiori -- Cross application navigation; Handling startup parameters?

This question is related to: Fiori - Cross Application Navigation…

sapui5 sap-fiori
X-CSRF-TOKEN validation failed in SAPUI5

I am calling a create service of SAP Net weaver Gateway from SAPUI5. I have written following code for getting …

sapui5 sap-gateway
How to use layout.Grid in XML view SAPUI5?

I have that code. ( var oGrid1 = new sap.…

How to recover a error message from oData response [SAPUI5]

I had this issue and i searched a lot how to fix it, but i can't find any solution at …

error-handling sapui5 sap-fiori
openui5 js view addStyleClass

How can we set class with mSetting? For example: new sap.m.Button({}).addStyleClass("my-class"); //work Another way? new sap.…

Cordova trying to fetch plugin from repo instead of local plugin

I'm trying to create a Fiori Client for iOS with the SMP SDK 3.O PL3. At some point it tries …

cordova sapui5 sap-fiori sap-smp
How to use getEventBus method in SAPUI5

I am trying to understand getEventBus(). Can somebody provide a tutorial or best example where and how we can implement …

events sapui5
When to use Shell, App, Container, Page, View, and SplitApp

Recently I have created two UI5 apps using shell -> views and appContainer -> views. Both results in …

Vertical label alignment in SAPUI5 (Label too high)

I am currently working on my first SAPUI5 mobile application. I found the options for horizontal layout positioning, but my …

css label sapui5