Top "Sapui5" questions

This tag 'sapui5' covers both the proprietary (SAPUI5) and the open source (OpenUI5) versions of the framework.

How to load sapui5 resources in the background

In our application we load a number of SAPUI5 libraries. index.html has the following code to load the SAPUI5 …

sap.ui.table.Table "VisibleRowCountMode.Auto" mode does not work

I'm having trouble setting the number of rows for a table to automagically fill the available estate of its encapsulating …

Pass another controller when instantiating a fragment in SAPUI5

In the SAPUI5 / OpenUI5 xmlfragment documentation the third parameter is a controller for handling actions from the fragment. This is …

javascript controller fragment sapui5
How to disable Odata Batch request by default in SAPUI5?

I made a Master-Details application in Web IDE for SAPUI5. I connected my application to an OData service. The connection …

odata sapui5
Difference between "SAP Fiori apps" and "SAPUI5 application"

Could anyone please explain me the difference between SAP Fiori apps and SAPUI5 application? In the document which SAP has …

sapui5 sap-fiori
How execute code every time that I view a page

I'm searching the mode to execute a code (in my case the retrieve of data to visualize from server) every …

Passing parameters to i18n model within XML view

How can we pass parameters to the i18n model from within a XML view? Without parameters <Label text="{…

internationalization sapui5
Adding a custom library as a dependency in SAP Fiori

I have a custom library I would like to include as a dependency of a Fiori-like app …

sapui5 sap-fiori
What's the usage of setBindingContext() and the difference from element binding?

In the Defining a Binding Path section of OpenUI5 demokit: A context exists either for each entry of the aggregation …

SAPUI5: No options to create dynamic filters in XML views?

I am binding an OData model to the items of a list and try to apply a filter dynamically using …

xml view binding filter sapui5