Top "Sandbox" questions

Sandbox is a security mechanism for containing untrusted programs.

UIImage Saving image with file name on the iPhone

How can I save an image (like using UIImageWriteToSavedPhotosAlbum() method) with a filename of my choice to the private/var …

iphone uiimage uiimagepickercontroller sandbox save-image
Is it possible to run native python code in chrome?

I was wondering if it is possible to run native python code in chrome instead of javascript. I have seen …

javascript python google-chrome sandbox brython
How do i get identity token in paypal sandbox?

I don`t know where is the identity token on paypal sandbox. is the identity token same like api number ?

paypal sandbox paypal-ipn paypal-sandbox
compile & execute Chromium failed due to SUID sandbox issue

What I'm trying to do : Compile and run Chromium source code on Ubuntu 13.10 Steps I've taken : git clone https://chromium.…

google-chrome ubuntu sandbox suid
Failed to execute 'postMessage' on 'Window': Invalid target origin

I have the iframe: <iframe id="GameFrame" sandbox="allow-scripts allow-pointer-lock" src=""> </iframe> My …

html iframe sandbox postmessage
Access window variable from Content Script

I have a Chrome Extension that is trying to find on every browsed URL (and every iframe of every browser …

google-chrome-extension sandbox content-script
How to disable sandbox mode in new facebook app developer?

Question 1: Is this the correct way to to disable sandbox mode in the new facebook app developer dashboard? a) Go …

facebook wordpress sandbox
Sandbox against malicious code in a Java application

In a simulation server environment where users are allowed to submit their own code to be run by the server, …

java plugins sandbox
How do I detect the environment in Salesforce?

I am integrating our back end systems with Salesforce using the web services. I have production and stage environments running …

salesforce sandbox apex-code
We aren't able to process your payment using your PayPal account at this time

I'm getting this error on a sandbox account: We aren't able to process your payment using your PayPal account at …

c# .net paypal sandbox