Top "Rotation" questions

A rotation is a circular movement of an object around a center (or point) of rotation.

Vertical UISlider in iOS with autolayout

As per my iPad app requirement, i've to show the UISlider vertically. I'm using iOS7 compiler and deployment target is …

ios7 rotation uislider cgaffinetransform
Rotate an YUV byte array on Android

I'm looking to rotate a YUV frame preview recieved from a Preview Callblack, so far I've founded this post which …

android rotation bytearray yuv
Rotate bitmap by real angle

Once upon a time, reading this question, I wondered how to rotate a bitmap by any degree without fiddling around …

delphi image-processing rotation
What's a quaternion rotation?

Is quaternion rotation just a vector with X,Y,Z which the object will rotate towards, and a roll which …

3d rotation quaternions angle
Log4j daily rolling catalina.out without restarting Tomcat?

i am having trouble with configuring Log4j correctly. I was expecting Log4j to rotate my catalina.out file …

java log4j rotation tomcat7 catalina
Converting OpenCV rotation and translation vectors to XYZ rotation and XYZ position

There are Google results and stackoverflow posts that appear to answer this question, but the simple fact is I can't …

c++ opencv rotation rotational-matrices
How can I rotate display only in landscape mode in android?

I want that my View rotates only in landscape mode, clockwise and counterclockwise. I read about the only counterclockwise for …

android rotation orientation landscape sensors
Disable and enable orientation changes in an activity in Android programatically

I have an App that make some background staff. When the background work is running a progress Circle is shown, …

android android-activity rotation screen-orientation android-orientation
How to rotate image in picture box

I am making a winforms application. One of the features I hope to implement is a rotating gear on the …

c# winforms rotation picturebox image-rotation
Image getting rotated automatically on upload

I'm trying to upload a base64 encoded image and save after decoding it. Image is getting uploaded and saved, and …

php rotation gd base64