Top "Reverse-engineering" questions

Reverse engineering is the process of discovering the technological principles of a human made device, object or system through analysis of its structure, function and operation.

NASM is pure assembly, but MASM is high level Assembly?

I'm learning assembly, motivation being able to reverse engineer. I'm trying to find the assembler I should begin with, so …

assembly x86 reverse-engineering nasm masm
How to use Ollydbg with multi-threaded programs?

I have seen here that Olly supports a multi-threaded debugging, but I couldn't find any video or a good tutorial …

linux windows debugging reverse-engineering ollydbg
Can't find “referenced string” in OllyDBG

So I am trying to reverse a program and crack it but I am not able to find any of …

string reverse-engineering ollydbg
How can I inspect form data being Posted?

I am reverse engineering an app and I need to see what is in the post data without viewing the …

reverse-engineering sniffing postdata
Reverse engineering a subset of tables for Entity Framework

I'm using EF, and I've got the Entity Framework Power Tools extension, which lets me reverse engineer classes based on …

entity-framework visual-studio-2012 ef-code-first reverse-engineering
Making commercial Java software (DRM)

I intend to make some software to be sold over internet. I've only created open-source before, so I have really …

java reverse-engineering protection commerce
Best way to inject functionality into a binary

What would be the best way of inserting functionality into a binary application (3d party, closed source). The target application …

macos reverse-engineering code-injection
Is it possible in IDA Pro to make a struct field offset to vtable which is defined in .data segment?

Here is what I want to achieve. I identified a class which I defined as a struct to store class …

com reverse-engineering vtable disassembly ida
Find out CRC or CHECKSUM of RS232 data

I need to communicate with a RS232 device, I have no specs or information available. I send a 16 byte command …

reverse-engineering checksum serial-port crc
Create Entity-Relationship Diagram from MySQL Database

I am trying to create an Entity-Relationship Diagram by reverse engineering a MySQL database using a .SQL file. The process …

mysql reverse-engineering entity-relationship adodb entity-relationship-model