Top "Reverse-engineering" questions

Reverse engineering is the process of discovering the technological principles of a human made device, object or system through analysis of its structure, function and operation.

How is the photoshop cutout filter implemented?

Photoshop has a lot of cool artistic filters, and I'd love to understand the underlying algorithms. One algorithm that's particularly …

algorithm language-agnostic image-processing reverse-engineering photoshop
How to patch a line of code in a DLL?

I've got a .Net dll that misses a line of code. I would like to patch that DLL, but I …

c# .net dll reverse-engineering decompiling
Senselock EliteIV v2.x usb dongle dump or emulate?

OK, I got a Senselock EliteIV v.2.x USB Dongle and I want to emulate the hardware so I can …

usb reverse-engineering dump cracking dongle
How to reverse-engineer / decompile an Android APK which was obfuscated using ProGuard?

Unfortunately, I have lost the source code of one of my apps which I obfuscated using ProGuard. I still have …

android apk reverse-engineering proguard decompiling
How to create EER model from a sqlite db

i'm using sqlitejdbc libraries to create a db using java. Now i need to generate eer model from existing sqlite …

java sqlite entity-relationship reverse-engineering eer-model
How does one change an instruction with a hex editor?

I am messing around with some reverse engineering, but I don't know how to change a jnz to jz with …

assembly hex reverse-engineering instructions ida
How in IDA can save memory dump with command or script?

IDA, Hex-View I select with mouse zone of bytes from StartAddress to EndAddress Right Click -> Save to File …

python debugging reverse-engineering ida
Converting .java back to classes.dex

I've been playing around with reverse engineering and I am having trouble recompiling after making an edit. I first used …

android reverse-engineering dx
Has anyone reversed engineered the protocol used by Apple's iOS Remote app for controlling an Apple TV over IP?

I'm curious if it's possible for me to write programs that can control an Apple TV, specifically an Apple TV 4…

reverse-engineering tvos apple-tv remote-control
Can radare2 print local variables by name?

When radare2 analyzes a function, it gives local variables names such as local_4h for ebp - 0x4. It also …

reverse-engineering disassembly