Top "Cracking" questions

Activities to break into computer(s) or technology systems without authorized access.

How To Extract .flv Stream from JW Player 5.1?

The problem is I've a slow internet connection, and the video doesn't buffer like in YouTube. Therefore I was wondering …

flash reverse-engineering jwplayer cracking flv
How to create a Bruteforce password cracker for alphabetical and alphanumerical passwords?

I need to make small programs for school to brute force crack different types of passwords; I'm looking to create …

python passwords brute-force cracking
Decompiling Objective-C libraries

I've just finished a library in Objective-C that I compiled as a Static Library for distribution. I'd wanted to know …

objective-c xcode decompiling cracking
what's the meaning of 'admin' OR 1=1 -- '

The following query return all the passwords in the table tbl_user but I can not understand why this is …

php mysql security sql-injection cracking
How to open locked app in design mode?

Our MS Access 2000 developer left the company a year ago. We need to open his app in design mode in …

ms-access forgot-password cracking
OllyDbg doesn't work in Windows 7 x64

Windows 7 x64 & OllyDbg 1.10 I just start to learn debugging technology, and try to debug a demo programm called 'crack_…

windows debugging process cracking ollydbg
Decrypt MD5 hash

Possible Duplicate: Is it possible to decrypt md5 hashes? Is there any way to decrypt the encrypted MD5 string, given …

python cryptography md5 cracking
how are serial generators / cracks developed?

I mean, I always was wondered about how the hell somebody can develop algorithms to break/cheat the constraints of …

reverse-engineering cracking
Can i crack usb security dongle?

I have to develop a plugin for a program that uses dongle to activate.Just wondering can i crack the …

reverse-engineering usbserial cracking dongle
How do I copy-protect my Java application?

I want to sell my Java application using PayPal. When a payment is received, the customer is mailed a one-time …

java licensing reverse-engineering copy-protection cracking