Top "Crc" questions

A cyclic redundancy check (CRC) is an error-detecting code commonly used in digital networks and storage devices to detect accidental changes to raw data.

Function to Calculate a CRC16 Checksum

I'm working on a library to provide simple reliable communication over an RS232 or RS485 connection. Part of this code …

c crc crc16
When is CRC more appropriate to use than MD5/SHA1?

When is it appropriate to use CRC for error detection versus more modern hashing functions such as MD5 or SHA1? …

hash embedded crc
Data Length vs CRC Length

I've seen 8-bit, 16-bit, and 32-bit CRCs. At what point do I need to jump to a wider CRC? My …

crc crc32
What is the fastest hash algorithm to check if two files are equal?

What is the fastest way to create a hash function which will be used to check if two files are …

file hash crc
How to generate a CRC-16 from C#

I am trying to generate a CRC-16 using C#. The hardware I am using for RS232 requires the input string …

c# crc crc16
CRC-CCITT Implementation

I am using the following function to generate a CRC sum and it doesn't appear to be returning the same …

c++ c checksum crc crc16
definitive CRC for C

Since CRC is so widely used, I'm surprised by having a hard time finding CRC implementations in C. Is there …

c crc
C# CRC implementation

I am trying to integrate a Serial-port device into my application, which needs CRC-CCTT validation for the bytes that I …

c# algorithm crc
compute crc of file in python

I want to calculate the CRC of file and get output like: E45A12AC. Here's my code: #!/usr/bin/…

python hash crc
Probability of collision when using a 32 bit hash

I have a 10 character string key field in a database. I've used CRC32 to hash this field but I'm worry …

algorithm hash collision probability crc