Retrofit is a type-safe REST client for Android and Java by Square, Inc.
I am trying to upload image with Retrofit library. This is how I am uploading: Request Code: @Multipart @POST("/customerapp/{…
file file-upload multipart retrofit xmlpullparserI need to retry request inside of OkHttp Interceptor. For example there is incoming request which needs Authorization token. If …
java retrofit okhttp interceptorIs there any way to attached multiple images in one multipart request? The images is dynamic based on the number …
android multipart retrofitI was reading many articles to find the best Rest Client for java application, I found finally using Jersey with …
java rest retrofit apache-httpclient-4.x jersey-clientI have an Observable<<List<Foo>> getFoo() that is created from a Retrofit Service and …
android retrofit rx-javaIn the presentation of Paresh Mayani at SpeakerDeck ( he says that it's better to use …
android retrofit okhttp android-networking androidhttpclientI am new to android and I have a scenario where I want to get get data from multiple api. …
android retrofit retrofit2 rx-java2 rx-android