Top "Retrofit" questions

Retrofit is a type-safe REST client for Android and Java by Square, Inc.

Retrofit 2 not sending data when ProGuard is enabled

I try to login my users using Retrofit 2. (Basically a GET to the login URL with a basic header) It …

android retrofit retrofit2 proguard
Retrofit Multipart Upload Image failed

I am trying to upload image with Retrofit library. This is how I am uploading: Request Code: @Multipart @POST("/customerapp/{…

file file-upload multipart retrofit xmlpullparser
Intercept and retry call by means of OkHttp Interceptors

I need to retry request inside of OkHttp Interceptor. For example there is incoming request which needs Authorization token. If …

java retrofit okhttp interceptor
OkHttpClient throws exception after upgrading to OkHttp3

I'm using following lines of code to add a default header to all of my requests sent using Retrofit2: private …

android retrofit okhttp retrofit2 okhttp3
Get String response body from retrofit2

I am using retrofit1 old style @GET("/loginUser") public Call<Response> login( @Query("email") String email, @Query("password") …

java android eclipse retrofit square
"Retrofit" multiple images attached in one multipart request

Is there any way to attached multiple images in one multipart request? The images is dynamic based on the number …

android multipart retrofit
Jersey REST client with Apache HTTP Client 4.5 vs retrofit

I was reading many articles to find the best Rest Client for java application, I found finally using Jersey with …

java rest retrofit apache-httpclient-4.x jersey-client
Single Observable with Multiple Subscribers

I have an Observable<<List<Foo>> getFoo() that is created from a Retrofit Service and …

android retrofit rx-java
Why should I use OkHttp instead of android httpClient and AsyncTask

In the presentation of Paresh Mayani at SpeakerDeck ( he says that it's better to use …

android retrofit okhttp android-networking androidhttpclient
multiple api request using retrofit and rx java

I am new to android and I have a scenario where I want to get get data from multiple api. …

android retrofit retrofit2 rx-java2 rx-android